Gloria Bader (left) with VIT Project Assistant Alice Bendinelli at the 12th Annual La Mancha Awards
I am honored to begin my role as chair of the remarkable Board of Directors of Casa Cornelia Law Center. The Board’s commitment centers on guiding and supporting the Executive Director, Carmen Chavez and the entire staff, the enthusiastic donors, our zealous pro bono attorneys, and trusted multi-lingual volunteer translators. The Board’s devotion to the mission of Casa Cornelia will impact thousands of children and adults in the years ahead as it has in the past. With a new national leadership in place, we have an opportunity to influence policy, reimagine immigration reform and broaden our communication. At the same time, the quality legal services that Casa Cornelia offers our clients will continue and grow.
I first learned about Casa Cornelia over 25 years ago when I attended a San Diego luncheon of Rosemont College alumnae. Sister Ann M. Durst, SHCJ Casa Cornelia’s Founder, and a few other former presidents of the college were there. At the close of the meeting, I offered Sr. Ann the services of my accountant at my consulting company, The Bader Group. I intended to pay for the services but my accountant, Tony Applebaum, donated his financial work to Casa Cornelia for the next 10 years.
After that, Sr. Ann asked me to be on the first Board and I provided some staff training in communication and chaired the Executive Director search committee that selected Carmen’s predecessor. Later, I chaired the visiting site committee that studied the law center’s relationship with the Society of The Holy Child Jesus and the legacy of Cornelia Connelly. On the Board again, I served on the Governance Committee and then chaired the Strategic Planning Committee. My goals for the Board include strengthening attention to the mission, broadening impact and outreach through communication and Board recruitment, inspiring new donors and building our financial security, and becoming a model board and employer.
Founder | The Bader Group