This year, we bestow fourteen Special Recognition awards to exceptional interpreters, translators, law clerks, paralegals, and community volunteers who embody the spirit of Casa Cornelia by assisting our clients and furthering our impact with compassion, dedication and perseverance.
The Law Center relies on the generosity of volunteer interpreters and translators (VITs) to bridge the language gap between clients and their attorneys, and their participation is crucial for attorneys to competently represent their clients. In 2020, across all programs, Casa Cornelia responded to clients and potential clients from 54 different countries speaking 51 languages, including Arabic, Creole, Farsi, French, French/Arabic, Lingala, Mandarin, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Swahili. Last year alone, 132 interpreters and translators donated 2,854 hours of service.
In addition to the attorneys, interpreters, and translators who donated their time, energy, and skills, 82 other volunteers—including board members, committee members, legal clerks, and interns— donated 3,232 hours of service.

Join us at the 14th Annual La Mancha Awards on October 14 at 5:30 PM. Through this virtual event, we will honor and thank our Special Recognition awardees for their incredible service.