Volunteer Attorneys

Casa Cornelia Law Center’s Volunteer Attorney Program recruits, trains, and mentors volunteer attorneys from the private bar for pro bono service.

We can only serve the hundreds of clients in need of our services because we have the support of the private bar. We have a number of different opportunities available in all of our program areas: Asylum, Children, Victims of Domestic Violence/Serious Crimes, and Human Trafficking. Please click here for a list of frequently asked questions & answers.

Before placing a case with a volunteer we ask that attorneys participate in a training session to prepare them on how to represent the case. Each training lasts 2 hours and covers substantive as well procedural law. Aside from preparing you to take on a case, the training is worth 2 hours of free MCLE credit. After the training we remain 100% available to mentor you along the way if you do opt to take a case.

Closeup of two smiling women volunteer attorneys

A list of upcoming trainings can be found on the Volunteer Trainings page.​​

Our past volunteer attorneys have found the experience of working with such compelling cases to be both personally and professionally enriching. Read about successful cases here.

“The highlight of volunteering at Casa Cornelia was meeting with my client and his brother, listening to their amazing story, and working with him throughout the case.”

“It was very rewarding to do something for my client that will make a real difference in her life.”


Casa Cornelia is grateful to the men and women who give their expertise, their spirit, and their time to the victims that we serve. Without their generous gifts, we could not serve the ever growing number of clients in need of pro bono legal representation. We are thrilled to recognize the volunteers who provide outstanding pro bono legal representation to our clients! ​