Leave Casa Cornelia in Your Will

Leave Casa Cornelia in Your Will

Planned Giving – ​Make a Bequest for a better future.

Each of us wants to leave the world a better place. Your bequest to Casa Cornelia Law Center accomplishes a greater good – the assurance that victims’ rights will be protected. It is your personal legacy, a triumph of generosity over inequality and hatred.

It’s easy to do.

There are several ways you can make provisions for the future of this important work.

1. Include a gift to Casa Cornelia Legal Services in your will.
2. Name Casa Cornelia Legal Services as the beneficiary of a trust or other vehicles such as your retirement plan, insurance policy or bank account.

All it takes is a call to your attorney or an addition to your will.

For more information, please contact Cynthia Souza, [email protected], 619-955-5022 ext. 324

“I so appreciate the opportunity Casa Cornelia Law Center gives me to join in providing help and hope to immigrant victims of human rights abuses. The cause is just and crucial in our world where so many have been persecuted and displaced. The people who serve this cause are impressively gifted and dedicated. I have supported this work for 20 years, and I relish the prospect of helping to insure its continuation beyond my own life into the future.”

– Pamela Daniel