


Our Office has moved to Downtown San Diego!

As of September 1, 2023, Casa Cornelia’s new physical address will be:

Casa Cornelia Law Center
525 B Street, Suite 1800
San Diego, California 92101

For Mailing, please use the following address:
P.O. Box 12666
San Diego, California 92112

Phone: 619-231-7788*
*Please call before visiting or if you have any questions.

Fax: 619-231-7784

If you live in San Diego County and are interested in applying for legal services, please call our main line at 619-231-7788 or email [email protected].

Please note, to qualify for services, you must reside or be detained in San Diego County and meet financial eligibility requirements.

Do not send us any private or confidential information unless we personally instruct you to do so.  Do not tell us any details of your case and do not attach any additional documents to the application for services.  Completing an application for services does not make you a client nor a prospective client of Casa Cornelia Law Center.

No envíe información confidencial a las oficinas de Casa Cornelia, a menos que uno de nuestros abogados se lo pida personalmente.  No comparta los detalles de su caso y no incluya ningún documento adicional en su aplicación para nuestros servicios.  Completar la aplicación no garantiza que usted sea cliente, presente o futuro, de Casa Cornelia Law Center.

For all other inquiries, please call our main line at 619-231-7788 or email [email protected]

Casa Cornelia Moving Notice